Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: of its bricf, therefore. rced not be addressed. Here, as n Voinovich 21 Growe and Gingles hypothetical ques- tions about infuence districts can be preserved for another day and proper casc where they are directly presented THE DISTRICT COURT PROPERLY DEFERRED JURISDICTION UNDER GROWE FMISON UN TI STATE PKOCEEDINGS WERE CONCLUDED. Anticipating this Court's decision i1 Growe V Emison supra, the district court this action until the con- clusion of all state proceedings. The district court was clearly correct. Any suggestion that the NAACP and others might be barred by ras judicata JO collateral estoppel by virtuc the Florida Supremc Court's proceedings misconstrues the limited review by that court There was 10 fu] and fair opportunity to itigate the NAACP's Voting Rights Act claims in the two ...